Local Church Focus | IBCS

Ministry Training within the Local Church

At International Baptist College and Seminary, we train and mentor students so that they grow in their love for the local church, its people, and its ministries.


“IBCS will be meeting young men and young women who have a heart for God, who want to be part of building His church.”

– Nathan Mestler, President

Church-integrated training that prepares you for ministry

IBCS firmly believes in the words of the Apostle Paul, when he spoke about the gifts that God gives to His children: “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

We take our responsibility very seriously when it comes to preparing you for life and ministry. We not only are dedicated to training you in the practical skillsets of your calling but also are committed to mentoring you to ministry.

President Nathan Mestler states clearly whom we serve: “We believe we're called to train people primarily for service to the church. So our programs are focused on people who really do have a heart to serve the church.”

Training that is practiced outside the classroom

IBCS has a two-pronged approach that shapes you to effectively use your giftedness in a ministry setting. First, every course begins with the framework of the truth of Scripture. Faculty not only teach the concepts in class but mentor you in and out of class. Faculty and staff help you process what your are learning by asking questions such as “What does the Bible say about this topic?”

President Mestler knows how vital his faculty and staff are in the process: “The love for the Lord along with the experience and the mentorship of our faculty and staff - that package together is what equips students for effective and faithful service to the church.”

Second, you have the opportunity to take what you are learning in your classrooms and tangibly use those principles and skills in local churches and ministries outside the IBCS campus. You have practical training for ministry that connects what you are learning in the classroom to a real-life Biblical philosophy of ministry. Every student like you is involved with serving the people of a local church, whether that be teaching children, mentoring teens, or leading adult Sunday school classes. What is learned in the classroom is then put to practical use serving the body of Christ. 

Ministry practiced

Jesus said the two greatest commands were to love God and to love others. IBCS is helping its students understand these commands through teaching and mentoring on campus and then having students experience the joy of obeying these commands in helping fulfill the mission of the local church.

The church is more than simply a collection of people. In 1 Timothy 3:15, the author calls the local church “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

IBCS is well-defined in its mission and what success looks like for its students. “The greatest thing that IBCS does,” says its president, “is to prepare its graduates for a local church ministry. If you could pick just one thing, that would be it.”

Looking to be mentored for ministry?
Want to be challenged spiritually?